Reserve a Sponsoring package, please contact the conference team at
Please note: Prices plus 24% VAT, if applicable. Bookings from Non-EU, EU companies and businesses registered in EU countries (except Finland)
are exempted from VAT, if VAT number is given. -
Guest of Honor and Plenary Speaker
Bernard Kress, Microsoft, USA
After 50 years in the making,
have diffractives finally captured the attention of mainstream industry?Invited Speakers
Benfeng Bai, Tsinghua University, China (Cancelled)
Manipulation and near-field characterization of optical spin-obit interactions in nanostructuresSven Burger, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
Spectral Expansion of the Scattering Response of Resonant NanostructuresAndreas Erdmann, Fraunhofer IISB Erlangen, Germany
Understanding and Optimization of EUV Light Diffraction and Imaging for LithographyPatrice Genevet, Université côte d’azur, France
Semiconductor Metasurfaces and ApplicationsMichael A. Golub, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Non-paraxial design of diffractive optical elements and meta-surfacesTommi Hakala, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Condensation and lasing phenomena in periodic nanoparticle latticesJürgen Jahns, Fernuniversität in Hagen, Germany
Planar-integrated free-space optics - old concept, new applicationsPhilippe Lalanne, Institut d’Optique, France
Rigorous modal analysis of nanoresonators
Uwe Zeitner, Fraunhofer IOF Jena, Germany
Tailored diffraction by lithographically realized nano-structures
For inquiries, please contact the EOS Office
Hannele Karppinen, EOS Office
Phone +358 (0)50 571 9227
Organizing Committee- Jari Turunen (co-chair, Finland)
- Frank Wyrowski (co-chair, Germany)
- Hannele Karppinen (EOS representative)
- Elina Koistinen (EOS representative)
Jari Turunen, University of Eastern Finland, UEF (Finland)
Frank Wyrowski, Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany)
International Program Committee
Benfeng Bai (China)
Pierre Chavel (France)
Hans Peter Herzig (Switzerland)
Jürgen Jahns (Germany)
Bernard Kress (USA)
Irina Livshits (Russia)
Jesús Lancis (Spain)
Paul Urbach (Netherlands)
Site Zhang (Germany)
Organizing Committee
- Jari Turunen (co-chair, Finland)
- Frank Wyrowski (co-chair, Germany)
- Hannele Karppinen (EOS representative)
- Elina Koistinen (EOS representative)
Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is open.
Abstract Submission deadline has been EXTENDED UNTIL June 30, 2019; Post deadline papers are still considered and welcome.
Download call for papers:2019-06-do19-call-for-papers-extended.pdf (949.44 KB)
Abstracts are submitted online via Conftool:
Authors are requested to submit a two-page abstract, which is formatted according to the EOS abstract guidelines.
Both Word and LaTeX templates are available:
Word: eos-author-guidelines.docx
Indicate the preference format of your presentation (oral/poster) in the submission procedure in Conftool. At least one author is requested to register for the meeting.
Paper Publication in JEOS:RP
Presenters at EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2019 are kindly invited to consider the submission of a manuscript about their research to the EOS open-access on-line journal JEOS:RP (Journal of the European Optical Society, Rapid Publitions,
JEOS:RP publishes articles and review papers on recent scientific research and technological innovations.
A contribution should be original and it will be subjected to the journal’s standard anonymous peer review process for scientific quality.
The average submission-to-first decision time of the journal is 72 days.
Fee for EOS Members is 900 EUR and non EOS Members 1450 EUR. -
Browse or download the program overview pdf (File size 910.84 KB):
Download the onsite program here with detailed schedule.
Please note that this is the preliminary version, and the organizing committee reserves the right to make changes in the program.
Registration is open. Please register here:
The registration for EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2019 includes admission to the conference with lunches
and coffee breaks, as well as the conference excursion with dinner. For late/on-site registrations dinner may not be available, due to limited number of seats.At least one author of an accepted contribution is required to register in advance to the conference.
FEES Registration fees Early-bird (until July 31) Regular (during August 1 – August 15) Late/One-site (starting August 16) *excl. VAT/ **incl. 24% VAT *excl. VAT/ **incl. 24% VAT *excl. VAT/ **incl. 24% VAT Members 400 € / 496 € 450 € / 558 € 480 € / 595,20 € Non-member 480 € / 595,20 € 500 € / 620 € 540 € / 669,60 € Student Member 200 € / 248 € 230 € / 285,20 € 250 € / 310,00 € Student Non-Member 250 € / 310 € 280 € / 347,20 € 310 € / 384,40 € One-day 180 € / 223,20 € 200€ / 248 € 220 € / 272,80 € One-day with Conference dinner 240 € / 297,60 € 260 € / 322,40 280 € / 347,20 €
Fee includes the scientific program, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception on Sunday, Sept.15 and excursion on Wednesday, Sept. 18. For late/on-site registrations dinner may not be available, due to limited number of seats.
Accompanying persons 150 € / 186 € Fee includes welcome reception on Sunday, Sept.15 and excursion on Wednesday, Sept. 18. *VAT excluded for Non-EU companies, EU companies and businesses (except Finland) with VAT number. EU companies and businesses with VAT number: reverse charge for VAT payment applied according to the Finnish VAT act §65 and EU VAT directive articles 44 and 196. If you are entitled to VAT excluded price, you are required to either announce the VAT number or your nationality (if outside EU) when registering. **Private persons, companies, and businesses in Finland with VAT number: VAT 24% added, according to the Finnish VAT act §69H.