"Using wavefronts: detection and processing" Topical issue
The Journal of European Optical Society (JEOS -RP) is pleased to announce a new Topical Issue entitled "Using wavefronts: detection and processing".
We devote this topical issue to the studies covering a broad field of high-quality wavefront sensing applications, including wavefront local curvatures measurements and analyses of amplitude and phase of unknown optical fields, not only in the visible band of the electromagnetic spectrum but also the whole continuum spectrum. Studies based on interferometric or non-interferometric techniques and whole-field or point methods are welcome. We open this issue to all possible applications of wavefront detection and processing techniques, as the community would benefit from learning different updated ways to set up experiments, processing the detected signals, recovering the phase in its corresponding EM band, and displaying the measurement results. We invite scientists from diverse backgrounds, from astronomy to ophthalmology, mechanics and thermics, to cite just a few, to contribute to this topical issue.
Topics of interest include, point and full-field techniques related with:
- Interferometric measurements
- Testing freeform surfaces (interferometry, CGH, Hartmann test, …)
- Adaptive optics wavefront sensing,
- Terahertz wavefront sensing,
- Phase recovery
- Fringe analysis
- Phase unwrapping
This topical issue is not limited to these topics and can be extended to related ones such as wavefront sensors, wavefront shaping/correcting actuators, for instance.
Submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, ensuring the highest standards of scientific quality and integrity expected from the journal JEOS-RP. Papers adding a significant value to the field will be published in this topical issue, providing an opportunity for your research to gain visibility and make a significant impact in the field.
Submission deadline for this topical issue is September 30, 2024. Papers can be submitted immediately or at any time up to this date. Submitted articles will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and published online as they are accepted and added to this topical issue. The mean time to “first on-line” with DOI is lower than 70 days.
Submission procedure
Please familiarize yourself with the journal’s Instructions for authors and Ethical Standards before submitting.
Submission is done though the submission system: https://jeos.nestor-edp.org/
During this submission process you should identified you paper as intended for the Topical Issue entitled "Using wavefronts: detection and processing".
Guest Editors
Prof. José Benito Vázquez Dorrío, Instituto de Física y Ciencias Aeroespaciales, University of Vigo, Spain
Prof. Jorge García Marquez, Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais (LNE), France
JEOS:RP is a prompt, open access, high quality communications with peer-reviewing, published by EDP Science. The Editorial Board members are all leading, active scholars. You can find the scope here: JEOS-RP
The 2023 Impact Factor of the Journal is 1.9.
All authors receive a significant discount on the publication fees:
Short communication (up to 4 pages):
500 € for EOS members
850 € for non-members
Research paper (above 4 pages):
750 € for EOS members
1100 € for non-members
NB: Furthermore, no publication fees are charged if your Institution/University has signed the “Open Access agreement”. Check it here.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 30 September 2024