
  • Call for nominations: EOS Board Elections 2022

    • On Monday, 14 march 2022

    Call for Nominations


    The European Optical Society (EOS) will be holding elections to the Board of Directors later this year. With this Call, EOS is seeking nominations. The nomination period is now open and will last until March 31, 2022.


    The procedures for the elections are governed by Articles 4 and 7 of the Constitution of EOS. Article 4 says: “Board elections by the membership take place every two years, with 5 seats being contested at each election. Board members may only be re-elected once.” Article 7 says: “All individual members of the Society (full, associate, student and corporate) are eligible to vote.”


    You will find information about the current Board of Directors here. The following five colleagues will be on the Board of Directors for at least until 2024: Patricia Seconds (as EOS President 2022-24), then Roelene Botha, Emiliano Descrovi, Maite Flores-Arias and Myriam Zerrad (who are all in the middle for their four-year term).


    The five vacancies for this election are the seats of Gilles Pauliat (who will become ex officio member of the Board as Past President), Mario Bertolotti (not eligible any more after two terms), Michael Pfeffer (term ends, but eligible for re-election), Matthieu Roussey (term ends, but eligible for re-election), and a seat that was not occupied in 2020-2022.


    As to the nomination process, Article 7 continues: “Any member can propose candidates. Each candidate must be nominated by at least three members. Candidates for the Board must be voting members of the Society.” Each EOS member is entitled to nominate up to three candidates.


    EOS House Rules say, that “if the nomination is made by letter, this letter must be signed by all three (or more) members making the nomination (though separate letters are, of course, permitted). In the case of email nominations, separate emails are required from the three (or more) members making the nomination. Nominations of candidates are to be sent to the Election Officer.”


    According to this, you are asked to send nominations either by letter to my postal address (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Jahns, FernUniversität in Hagen, Universitätsstr. 1 - Geb. 3, 58097 Hagen, Germany) or directly by email ( by March 31, 2022.


    Any society lives by its membership, the enthusiasm and willingness of individuals to actively participate in the scientific life and its organisation. Please, consider nominating a colleague or seeking nomination yourself.


    Jürgen Jahns, EOS Election Officer 2022                                                                 February 1, 2022

  • ICO Awards 2022

    • On Monday, 14 march 2022

    Nominate your colleague for an ICO award (deadline April 15th)

    The European Optical Society is a Member of the International Commission for Optics, ICO. ICO is an affiliated member of the International Science Council of Science (ISC). Its objective is to contribute, on an international basis, to the progress and diffusion of knowledge in the fields of optics and photonics.

    Among its activities, ICO awards prestigious international prizes in optics and photonics. The deadline for the ICO awards below is next April 15th. Please contact the chairperson of the respective award committee if you need more information. Attached please find flyers and posters that you can share. Details about the nomination procedure is to be found on the ICO web site at :



    to noteworthy contribution to optics published submitted for publication before the age of 40.

    Contact: Prof. Leszek Sirko (


    ICO/IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Optics

    to noteworthy contributions to applied optics and photonics during 8 years after PhD.

    Contact: Dr. Gilles Pauliat  (


    Galileo Galiei Medal Award

    to recognize the promotion of Optics under difficult circumstances.

    Contact: Prof. Nataliya Kundikova Nataliya (

  • Call for papers: EOSAM 2022 Submission open

    • On Tuesday, 01 march 2022

    Submit your research to EOSAM 2022 and be part of the major event in optics and photonics in Europe


    The European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM, is organized 12 - 16 September 2022. 
    The conference will be held onsite in Porto, Portugal. Submission is now open.


    The European Optical Society Annual meeting (EOSAM) is a major international scientific conference with industry presence, held fully onsite 12 - 16 September 2022 in Porto. EOSAM gathers annually over 500 top researchers, key leaders, students and industry experts together.

    You will be enticed by the beautiful and lively city of Porto together with a full week of novel research results presented from the widest range of optics and photonics fields. EOSAM includes several topical meetings, tutorials, special sessions, several high-level plenary speeches, poster sessions, Industrial Exhibition, Networking event/ Dinner, Annual General Assembly of EOS, Award Ceremonies and so much more. See you there!


    Submit your paper to any of the topical meetings (TOM) or Sessions mentioned below, all topics under optics and photonics included:

    TOM1: Silicon Photonics and Guided-Wave Optics

    TOM2: Computational, Adaptive and Freeform Optics - focus on Illumination, AR/VR and information driven systems

    TOM3: Optical System Design, Tolerancing and Manufacturing

    TOM4: Bio-Medical Optics

    TOM5: Resonant Nanophotonics

    TOM6: Optical Materials: crystals, glasses, thin films, nanostructures/nanocrystals, metasurfaces, organic molecules and polymers, synthesis...

    TOM7: Thermal radiation and energy management

    TOM8: Nonlinear and Quantum Optics

    TOM9: Opto-electronic Nanotechnologies and Complex Systems

    TOM10: Frontiers in Optical Metrology

    TOM11: Tapered Optical Fibers, from fundamentals to applications

    TOM12: Optofluidics

    TOM13: Advances and Applications of Optics and Photonics

    EU Project Session

    Early Stage Researcher Session

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  • The EOS condemns Russia's military intervention in Ukraine

    • On Monday, 28 february 2022

    Eos logo


    The EOS strongly condemns Russia's military intervention, which massively violates international law. The short-, medium- and longer-term consequences for international security and cooperation are hardly foreseeable at present. The values of a learned society like EOS are solidarity, exchange and hope to create a better world together. We are deeply upset by the present situation which goes against all values we defend. Our thoughts go straight to the Ukrainian people, and especially our Ukrainian colleagues.

    EOS also sympathizes with the Russian colleagues who refute the aggression of their government and suffer similarly from not being able to freely express their disagreement in their own homeland. The Ukrainian Society of Pure and Applied Optics, USPAO, is an affiliated society of EOS and we will do everything in our power to help to ensure the continuity of our cooperation.

    We call on European governments to take immediate action to protect the lives of the Ukrainian population. We renew all our friendship and solidarity in this difficult period to our Ukrainian Colleagues.


    EOS President on behalf the EOS Executive Committee

  • EOSAM 2021 bringing people together again in-person

    • On Wednesday, 01 december 2021

    The European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM, is a major international scientific conference covering all aspects of optics and photonics. It is attended by top researchers, key leaders, students, and industry experts. Each year EOSAM moves into different optics hubs better serving the local communities and at each time creating a unique EOSAM experience for the attendees. EOSAM was previously organized in France, Scotland, Germany, Netherlands, and was also planned for Portugal but was held online due to the pandemic.


    This year, EOSAM was held on September 13-17 in Rome Italy, bringing back the highly awaited international in-person EOS events.  EOS organized the conference in close co-operation with the Societa Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica, SIOF, the Italian optical society Branch member of EOS, and the Universita di Roma La Sapienza. For the first time, EOSAM was held in a hybrid format, successfully mixing online attendees with on-site participants. With over 350 onsite attendees and 180 online attendees, from 33 countries worldwide, this hybrid format was a full success and worth to be repeated in the future!

    Onsite participants benefited from an exceptional venue. The meeting was held in the premises of Universita di Roma La Sapienza, in the center of Roma. The conference rooms surrounded the old cloister open onto an inner courtyard. The cloister arcades welcomed an industrial exhibit of 14 booths, the poster sessions, the welcome reception, the numerous coffee breaks, and the everyday lunches. All these activities reinforced the exchanges between the attendants. EOS indeed pays a special attention to the interaction between participants by promoting networking opportunities. One of the nicest was the memorable gala dinner served in the century-old rooms of the Centro Palazzo Rospigliosi conference center.

    The quality of the conference was served by the quality of the scientific presentations, 445 in total. These presentations were shared among topical meetings, TOM, and sessions covering most fields of optics and photonics:

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  • Latest EOS News

    • On Friday, 23 april 2021

    Check out the latest EOS Newsletter:


    Apply for the Early Career Women in Photonics Award, Nominate an EOS Fellow, Submit your research to the major international conference EOSAM, and more..

  • Inequality for Women in Research

    • On Wednesday, 21 april 2021

    Mousumi chakraborty

    by Mousumi Chakraborty, PhD in Photonics


    In the present, women in photonics is one of the most talked-about topics in the virtual and real world. According to the studies, a large number of women are enrolling in a university in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects and doing good in their field. Sometimes they are doing better than male colleague/students. Nevertheless, unfortunately, the same number of women are not participating in the field of STEM occupations. Still, STEM is considered a male-dominated field, though many women have already proven their excellence and competence in these fields.

    Globally, women are underrepresented in many fields, especially in the research, photonics, and optics field; the number is still below standard. According to a recent UNESCO report, only 30% of the world’s researchers are women, though this percentage varies from region to region.

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  • Lessons learned by renowned Women in Photonics 

    • On Wednesday, 21 april 2021


    In 2015, the European Optical Society (EOS) launched the EOS Early Career Women in Photonics Award to honor a young female scientist who has made outstanding contributions to photonics. Since launching the awards, EOS has closely followed the career paths of the winners.

    We will now share with you the backgrounds, motivations and individual career paths of the winners along the years, with priceless advice and guidance for those who follow in their footsteps. A clear consensus derived from the individual discussions with the women and the advice to others persuing a career in photonics is clear: "Work hard and focused, be brave and network every chance you get." 

    We hope the paths of these successful women will inspire you to find and follow your passion.

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